Documentation - SpectMorph 0.6.1
The essential documentation is:- The README
- The SpectMorph User Manual - online version - pdf
- The Tutorial
- The NEWS file, which lists the changes for each version
Diplomarbeit (Master Thesis)
SpectMorph is documented with many details in my Diplomarbeit (Master Thesis) at University Hamburg, with the title- "Morphing der Klangfarbe von Musikinstrumenten durch Spektralmodellierung"
- "Morphing the timbre of musical instruments by spectral modelling"
Advanced Documentation - SpectMorph 0.6.1
Advanced documentation is available for the man pages of the programs that SpectMorph provides:
- smenc - program to build SpectMorph models
- sminspector - program to visualize contents of SpectMorph instruments
- sminstbuilder - meta script to build .smset instruments
- smjack - SpectMorph JACK Client
- smplay - program to play SpectMorph models
- smsfimport - program to import SoundFont presets
- smstrip - program to remove non-essential information from models
- smtool - tool to show/change SpectMorph data from .sm/.smset files
- smwavset - program to manage multi wave instruments