The NEWS file (from the spectmorph source tree) contains the list of changes for each release.

SpectMorph 1.0.0 beta2

Updates for macOS

  • Plugin user interface now works correctly on macOS 14 (#28).
  • Update clang++ compiler version on macOS.
  • Minimum supported macOS version is now macOS 11.

SpectMorph 1.0.0 beta1

New Features

  • WavSource: support two formant preserving algorithms for repitching vocals.
  • New operators:
    • KeyTrack - can be used to combine instruments by note range.
    • Envelope - to generate arbitary modulation envelopes.
  • User defined curve editor for KeyTrack, Envelope and LFO.
  • Add presets using the new operators:
    • KeyTrack Choir Ah/Oh
    • StringBrass Fusion
  • JACK CC values are now interpreted per channel (allows polyphonic modulation).
  • Support double click to reset properties to default value.


  • Apply midi channel bend to new voices.
  • Make portamento affect filter cutoff key tracking.
  • Fix problems with WavSource paths stored by LV2 plugin (make Ardour archives work).
  • Fix getting the initial click events / focus plugin UI on macOS under Bitwig.
  • Fix invalid access to past last vector element (#24).
  • Make PandaResampler work without problems in ASAN builds.
  • Refactor leak debugger to fix possible crashes caused by global destructors.
  • Do not ship sample data in "1 Instrument WavSource" preset.

Internals: Improvements

  • Generate and store spectral envelopes in each AudioBlock for formant correction.
  • Improve the strategy for portamento synthesis (more accurate and less CPU usage).
  • Propagate portamento frequency to sources.
  • Randomize start phase per default to improve "Harmonic Resynthesis" quality.
  • JACK: use two audio outputs to be able to implement stereo support later on.
  • Add fast vectorizable log2 approximation (based on Tims version from Anklang).
  • Phases in LiveDecoder, IFFTSynth: change from float to uint for performance reasons.
  • Various minor performance optimizations.
  • Minor LV2 meta data updates (port groups, avoid port resizing extension).
  • Use newer compilers: g++-14 for windows, g++-13 for static linux plugins.
  • Support automatically downloading instruments from configure.
  • Avoid using std::mutex in hard RT code.

Internals: Minor Changes

  • Refactoring:
    • Deduplicate morphing code from MorphGrid and MorphLinear.
    • Use shared pointers for GenericIn/GenericOut classes (RAII).
    • Get rid of sm_clamp / sm_bound (-> std::clamp).
  • Improve CI support (use debug-cxx, asan, ubsan, test static build, avoid fftw planning).
  • Add post install test which tests audio output for all presets after installation.
  • Validate LV2 feature arrays.
  • Support user defined scripts in testmidisynth test.
  • Improve error messages for preset loader.
  • Build cleanups: remove libbse code, simplify Qt build (remove smsampleedit).
  • Update CLAP version to 1.2.1.

SpectMorph 0.6.1

Instrument Editor

  • Support click & drag sample to scroll & zoom (#22).
  • Support stereo to mono conversion when loading stereo samples (#14).
  • Add manual volume editing / normalization.
  • Implement automatic selection triggered by midi.

New instruments

  • Bass Flute
  • Soprano Saxophone
  • Clarinet, Bass Clarinet
  • Tenor Trombone
  • Viola, Double Bass
  • Make samples and meta information for standard instruments available on github.


  • Support multiple banks for WavSources / instrument editor.
  • Avoid allocations in DSP thread to be hard RT capable.
  • Allow overriding analysis parameter for frame stepping to get higher time resolution.


  • Make UI work properly in Ableton Live (and possibly other hosts) on macOS.
  • Fix UI scaling problem on M1 macOS builds.
  • Fix crash if instrument editor is closed without any samples.
  • Fix cases of undefined behaviour.
  • Fix timing problems for long notes, reproduce long WavSource notes with exact tempo.
  • Fix use-after-free for outdated control events.
  • Fix freetype related memory leak.

SpectMorph 0.6.0

New features

  • New, more flexible modulation system
  • Added filter with different filter modes
  • Provide visual feedback for modulated properties
  • Provide signed .pkg installers for macOS (Intel and ARM)

CLAP Plugin

  • Provide CLAP Plugin
  • Support for per-voice modulation
  • Support timestamped modulation/automation events

LV2 Plugin

  • Support LV2 on all platforms
  • Fix crashes triggered by Carla (absolute_path/abstract_path returning NULL)
  • Support newer LV2 development headers

Minor Changes

  • Support "Velocity" as modulation source
  • Make pitch bend range configurable
  • New Presets with filter: "Cheese Cake Bass", "Liquid Silver"
  • Sort midi events by timestamp to workaround Bitwig bug
  • Sliders now support shift+drag for fine editing
  • Support for Apple Silicon
  • Avoid crashes if XOpenIM / XCreateIC return NULL (#15).
  • Fix statically linked plugin data directory location (works in flatpak apps now).
  • Add dockerized MXE builds for windows, bump compiler version to gcc-12.
  • Bump minimum C++ standard to C++17
  • Fix build on RISC-V (#13)
  • Use GitHub CI for Linux, macOS and Windows
  • Change license from "LGPL v3 or later" to "LGPL v2.1 or later".
  • Minor fixes and cleanups

Internals: Properties

  • Add generic property handling
  • Simplify load/save/gui for properties
  • Support modulatable properties using ModulationList
  • Add gui for editing property value and ModulationList
  • MorphPlan is no longer ref-counted, just one instance per Project
  • Introduced MorphOperatorConfig objects for cleaner/faster parameter updates

Internals: Filter

  • Add two filter types: "Ladder" and "Sallen-Key" filter to output operator
  • Integrated PandaResampler for SIMD 4x filter oversampling
  • Support modulation with high time resolution for filter

Internals: UI Toolkit

  • Support multiple update regions in UI toolkit
  • Optimize drawing for UI toolkit
  • Support "software sprites" for efficient visual feedback
  • Map Ctrl+Left Click to Right Click on macOS

Internals: Optimizations

  • Pass wav set pointers (instead of strings) to morph linear/grid/source.
  • Avoid fmod() for phase truncation.
  • Build using -ffast-math
  • NotifyBuffer: fast dsp thread -> ui thread notifications (no malloc in dsp thread)
  • Avoid allocations in dsp thread in many cases (retrigger, noise decoder process)
  • Support optimized SIMD code on ARM (Apple Silicon), code from Peter Johnson (#11)

SpectMorph 0.5.2

  • Support bpm/beat synchronization for LFO
    • new presets using beat sync LFO: Mars / Saturn
  • Add WavSource custom position playback mode
  • New Instruments: Sven Ah / Ih / Oh (another male human voice)
  • Store data in XDG directories on Linux:
    • move ~/.spectmorph directory to $XDG_DATA_HOME/spectmorph
    • move ~/SpectMorph directory to $XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR/SpectMorph
    • create $XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR/SpectMorph directory when needed (on write)
    • backward compatibility: use ~/SpectMorph if it already exists
  • Bump number of control inputs from 2 to 4
  • Implemented midi CC control for smjack (General Purpose Controller 1..4)
  • Fix crashes caused by dangling MorphOperator pointers
  • Fix loading floating point wav files
  • Minor fixes and cleanups

SpectMorph 0.5.1

  • Add new LFO modes (saw, square, random)
  • Support generic 64-bit linux binaries
    • new linux file selector (no longer needs Qt)
    • ship font for static build
  • Fix crashes caused by fftw planner being used from multiple threads
  • Ported all python2 code to python3
  • Support midi all notes off
  • Implement LV2 StateChanged
  • French translation for smjack desktop file (Olivier Humbert)
  • Thread race fix (JP Cimalando)
  • Minor fixes and cleanups

SpectMorph 0.5.0

  • Support user defined instruments
    • graphical instrument editor
    • new WavSource operator
  • Make standard instrument set smaller (less download/disk usage)
  • Graphical ADSR editor
  • Added "SpectMorph User Manual" (online: html/pdf)
  • Use different colors for active/used/unused operators
  • LV2 now requires instance access feature
  • Add file dialog wrapper shell scripts to work with some ardour bundles
  • Integrate XML (pugixml) and ZIP (minizip) 3rd party code
  • Minor fixes and cleanups

SpectMorph 0.4.1

  • macOS is now supported: provide VST plugin for macOS >= 10.9
  • Include instruments in source tarball and packages
  • Install instruments to system-wide location
  • New Instruments: Claudia Ah / Ih / Oh (female version of human voice)
  • Improved tools for instrument building
    • support displaying tuning in sminspector
    • implement "smooth-tune" command for reducing vibrato from recordings
    • minor encoder fixes/cleanups
    • smlive now supports enable/disable noise
  • VST plugin: fix automation in Cubase (define "effCanBeAutomated")
  • UI: use Source A / Source B instead of Left Source / Right Source
  • UI: update db label properly on grid instrument selection change
  • Avoid exporting symbols that don't belong to the SpectMorph namespace
  • Fix some LV2 ttl problems
  • Fix locale related problems when using atof()
  • Minor fixes and cleanups

SpectMorph 0.4.0

  • Windows is now supported: provide 64-bit Windows VST plugin
  • Plugin UI redesign
    • use pugl library for portability (uses GL + cairo) instead of Qt5
    • use categories for instruments
    • directly support instrument names in linear morphing
    • get rid of Qt5 dependency for libspectmorph, smjack, VST and LV2 plugins
    • UI now has "Zoom" feature to support higher DPI displays
  • Use non-linear configurable new velocity -> volume mapping for midi
  • New instrument: French Horn
  • Improved tools for building custom instruments
    • tools are now installed by default
    • sminstbuilder files support new syntax for relative paths
    • encoder cache moved to ~/.cache/smenccache, which is created if necessary
    • use number of processors as default for jobs
  • LPC/LSF support removed
  • Some portability fixes for macOS (which however isn't supported yet)

SpectMorph 0.3.4

  • Added optional ADSR Envelope
  • Make LV2 and VST plugin stereo to allow supporting stereo in the future
  • LV2 plugin description fixes
  • Added about dialog to plugin/smjack UI
  • Remove BEAST plugin (plugin code will be moved to BEAST)
  • Fixed compilation for newer g++ >= 6 (std::fabs)
  • Get rid of some malloc() calls in linear morphing

SpectMorph 0.3.3

  • Added portamento:
    • VST: support MPE to perform per-voice pitch bend (can be used in Bitwig)
    • new portamento mono mode (all hosts)
  • Added vibrato.
  • Internal improvements:
    • better property abstraction for (non-linear) UI properties
    • updated polyphase interpolator (used for vibrato|portamento)
    • fixed a few problems when developing against spectmorph(ui) libs
    • don't link against Qt UI library when only QtCore is necessary
  • Compile fixes for g++-6.3

SpectMorph 0.3.2

  • Added new unison effect.
  • New instruments: pan-flute, synth-saw.
  • UI improvements:
    • support operator folding (to preserve screen space)
    • provide scrollbar if morph plan window height is large
    • repair operator move
  • VST plugin crash fixed.
  • No longer depend on BEAST/Rapicorn
    • use libsndfile for sound file I/O, added WavData API
    • refactoring, move libnobse code into SpectMorph
  • Add icon/.desktop file for smjack
  • Added debian package support.
  • LPC/LSF morphing code updates - but now disabled by default

SpectMorph 0.3.1

  • Added plugins for LV2 and VST api.
  • New instruments: bassoon, cello, bass-trombone, reed-organ.
  • Added different templates to get standard morph plans quickly.
  • LV2|VST|JACK will start with default plan now (instead of empty plan).
  • Standard instrument set location (~/.spectmorph/instruments/standard):
    • plan templates can refer to instruments in that directory without storing any absolute path (index will be instruments:standard)
    • in almost any case, loading instruments isn't necessary anymore
  • Resize MorphPlanWindow automatically if operators are removed.
  • Changed time alignment during morphing:
    • morphed sounds should starty at the beginning of the note (no extra latency)
    • Start marker for instrument notes no longer necessary
    • SpectMorphDelay plugin no longer necessary
  • Some improvements for building new instruments:
    • make some smenc parameters configurable (--config option)
    • improvements to soundfont import
    • new fundamental frequency estimation for tune-all-frames
    • support global volume adjustment (instead of auto-volume)
  • Various bugfixes.

SpectMorph 0.3.0

  • Incompatible file format changes:
    • use 16-bit integer values for sine and noise data instead of floats to reduce file size on disk and in memory
    • introduce short_name & name field for instruments
    • changed the way noise is represented from total band energy to normalized noise level
  • Use Qt5 for the GUI, instead of gtkmm.
  • Added Grid Morph operator: allows morphing between more than two sources.
  • Adapted code to work with newer beast (0.10.0) and rapicorn (0.16.0).
  • Improved tests.
  • Various bugfixes.
  • Performance improvements.

SpectMorph 0.2.0

  • implemented user defined morphing using a MorphPlan consisting of operators
    • graphical representation of the operators
    • graphical editing of the MorphPlan
    • implement actual morphing (in per-operator per-voice module object)
    • added MorphPlanSynth/MorphPlanVoice, which allow running MorphPlan's easily
    • added LPC (linear prediction) during encoding, and LPC/LSF based morphing
  • BEAST plugin:
    • added GUI required for editing a MorphPlan
    • support four output channels, as well as twc control inputs
    • delay compensation plugin (to compensate SpectMorph delay)
  • JACK client:
    • support GUI MorphPlan editing
  • added sminspector (graphical tool for displaying SpectMorph instruments)
    • zoomable time/frequency view
    • configurable (FFT/CWT/LPC) time/frequency view transform parameters
    • spectrum, sample, LPC visualization
    • graphical loop point editing
    • allow storing changes in .smset files (for editing loop points)
    • play support via JACK
  • improved smtool (old name: smextract); its now installed by default
    • lots of new commands (like "total-noise", "auto-volume", ...)
    • support .smset as input (in addition to .sm); command is executed on all .sm files in the .smset
  • added shared libraries for gui and jack code
  • new integrated memory leak debugger (to find missing delete's)
  • support ping-pong loops
  • doxygen API docs updates
  • migrated man pages from Doxer to wiki (and use
  • performance improvements

SpectMorph 0.1.1

  • added tool for SoundFont (SF2) import: smsfimport
  • file format changes
    • allow time index based loops (required for looped SoundFont presets)
    • allow stereo (multichannel) files in WavSets
    • store phase and magnitude seperately (instead of a sin+cos magnitude)
    • support multiple velocity layers
    • allow storing the original sample data for quality comparisions
    • optimize storage size for smset files if the same Audio file is reused more than once
  • switch to 32 values for 32 perceptually spaced noise bands, instead of the old noise representation
  • handle stereo (multichannel) files in smenc, smjack and beast plugin
  • performance optimizations
    • LiveDecoder is now really fast, and can handle highly polyphonic synthesis in RT
    • sine synthesis is based on IFFT now
    • noise synthesis is a lot faster, too
    • where possible, use SSE operations in performance critical code
    • use FFTW for FFT, which is faster than gslfft
    • added fast float->int conversion on x86
    • smjack is a lot faster, now
  • removed smenc -O2 setting, which was too slow for practical use
  • introduced anti-alias filter in LiveDecoder
  • cleanups, refactoring, bugfixes

SpectMorph 0.1.0

  • file format changes
    • instruments based on more than one sample can be shipped as one single file
    • various performance optimizations
    • store data as little endian (since this is more likely to be the host endianness)
    • broken files or old files can be recognized and rejected
  • automated tuning algorithm (smextract auto-tune)
  • supported looping (for playing notes that is longer than original sample)
  • added beast plugin for playing SpectMorph instruments
  • added jack client for playing SpectMorph instruments
  • added zero padding before start of a sample to get better initial frames
  • compile with -Wall
  • allow single file argument for smenc (output filename will be constructed with .sm extension)
  • support setting smplay decoder mode via command line parameter
  • refactoring, cleanups

SpectMorph 0.0.3

  • added encoder algorithm to find attack envelope, this makes piano sound much more realistic
  • introduced smwavset tool, which allows managing instruments consisting of many samples
    • encoding/decoding a set of samples
    • delta operation for comparing errors of sets of samples
  • smextract can now provide an overview of how many bytes in an .sm file can be attributed to which fields
  • documentation updates
  • refactoring, cleanups

SpectMorph 0.0.2

  • bugfixes
  • include proper phases, so phase-correct reconstruction of samples is possible
  • new programs:
    • smstrip - removes debugging information from SpectMorph model files
    • smextract - extracts data from SpectMorph models, for developers only for now
  • added --no-noise / --no-sines switches for smplay
  • added -s switch for smenc, to create stripped models
  • use boost numeric bindings + lapack for ideal phase/magnitude estimation (smenc -O2) - slow!
  • SSE optimizations and other speedups for fast phase/magnitude estimation (smenc -O1)
  • use odd/centered FFT to be able to reconstruct phases from FFT data (smenc -O0)
  • use different thresholding scheme for encoder, detecting more partials
  • document API with doxygen
  • move Encoder and other classes to libspectmorph
  • added python binding, capable of reading SpectMorph model files
  • added automated tests
  • added manual pages for smenc, smplay, smvisualize and smstrip
  • added overview document in docs directory

SpectMorph 0.0.1

  • initial public release with three programs
    • smenc - builds model of a sample
    • smplay - resynthesizes sample from model
    • smvisualize - visualizes model
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