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xpath_ast_node Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 xpath_ast_node (ast_type_t type, xpath_value_type rettype_, const char_t *value)
 xpath_ast_node (ast_type_t type, xpath_value_type rettype_, double value)
 xpath_ast_node (ast_type_t type, xpath_value_type rettype_, xpath_variable *value)
 xpath_ast_node (ast_type_t type, xpath_value_type rettype_, xpath_ast_node *left=0, xpath_ast_node *right=0)
 xpath_ast_node (ast_type_t type, xpath_ast_node *left, axis_t axis, nodetest_t test, const char_t *contents)
 xpath_ast_node (ast_type_t type, xpath_ast_node *left, xpath_ast_node *right, predicate_t test)
void set_next (xpath_ast_node *value)
void set_right (xpath_ast_node *value)
bool eval_boolean (const xpath_context &c, const xpath_stack &stack)
double eval_number (const xpath_context &c, const xpath_stack &stack)
xpath_string eval_string_concat (const xpath_context &c, const xpath_stack &stack)
xpath_string eval_string (const xpath_context &c, const xpath_stack &stack)
xpath_node_set_raw eval_node_set (const xpath_context &c, const xpath_stack &stack, nodeset_eval_t eval)
void optimize (xpath_allocator *alloc)
void optimize_self (xpath_allocator *alloc)
bool is_posinv_expr () const
bool is_posinv_step () const
xpath_value_type rettype () const

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