Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼ gui | |
smsampleview.hh | |
smzoomcontroller.hh | |
spectmorphgui.hh | |
▼ lib | |
smadsrenvelope.hh | |
smalignedarray.hh | |
smaudio.hh | |
smaudiotool.hh | |
smbinbuffer.hh | |
smblockutils.hh | |
smbuilderthread.hh | |
smconfig.hh | |
smdcblocker.hh | |
smdebug.hh | |
smeffectdecoder.hh | |
smencoder.hh | |
smfft.hh | |
smflexadsr.hh | |
smgenericin.hh | |
smgenericout.hh | |
smhexstring.hh | |
smifftsynth.hh | |
smindex.hh | |
sminfile.hh | |
sminsteditsynth.hh | |
sminstenccache.hh | |
sminstencoder.hh | |
sminstrument.hh | |
smjobqueue.hh | |
smladdervcf.hh | |
smleakdebugger.hh | |
smlinearsmooth.hh | |
smlivedecoder.hh | |
smlivedecoderfilter.hh | |
smlivedecodersource.hh | |
smmain.hh | |
smmath.hh | |
smmatharm.hh | |
smmemout.hh | |
smmicroconf.hh | |
smmidisynth.hh | |
smminiresampler.hh | |
smmmapin.hh | |
smmodulationlist.hh | |
smmorphgrid.hh | |
smmorphgridmodule.hh | |
smmorphlfo.hh | |
smmorphlfomodule.hh | |
smmorphlinear.hh | |
smmorphlinearmodule.hh | |
smmorphoperator.hh | |
smmorphoperatormodule.hh | |
smmorphoutput.hh | |
smmorphoutputmodule.hh | |
smmorphplan.hh | |
smmorphplansynth.hh | |
smmorphplanvoice.hh | |
smmorphsource.hh | |
smmorphsourcemodule.hh | |
smmorphutils.hh | |
smmorphwavsource.hh | |
smmorphwavsourcemodule.hh | |
smnoisebandpartition.hh | |
smnoisedecoder.hh | |
smnotifybuffer.hh | |
smoutfile.hh | |
smpandaresampler.hh | |
smpcg32rng.hh | |
smpolyphaseinter.hh | |
smproject.hh | |
smproperty.hh | |
smpugiconfig.hh | |
smpugixml.hh | |
smrandom.hh | |
smrtmemory.hh | |
smsignal.hh | |
smsinedecoder.hh | |
smskfilter.hh | |
smstdioin.hh | |
smstdioout.hh | |
smstdiosubin.hh | |
smsynthinterface.hh | |
smtimeinfo.hh | |
smuserinstrumentindex.hh | |
smutils.hh | |
smwavdata.hh | |
smwavset.hh | |
smwavsetbuilder.hh | |
smwavsetrepo.hh | |
smxdgdir.hh | |
smzip.hh | |
spectmorph.hh | |