This is the complete list of members for SpectMorph::EnumProperty, including all inherited members.
connect(Signal< Args... > &signal, const CbFunction &callback) (defined in SpectMorph::SignalReceiver) | SpectMorph::SignalReceiver | inline |
connect(Signal< Args... > &signal, Instance *instance, const Method &method) (defined in SpectMorph::SignalReceiver) | SpectMorph::SignalReceiver | inline |
dead_signal(uint64 id) (defined in SpectMorph::SignalReceiver) | SpectMorph::SignalReceiver | inline |
disconnect(uint64 id) (defined in SpectMorph::SignalReceiver) | SpectMorph::SignalReceiver | inline |
enum_info() const (defined in SpectMorph::EnumProperty) | SpectMorph::EnumProperty | inlinevirtual |
EnumProperty(MorphOperator *op, const std::string &identifier, const std::string &label, int def, const EnumInfo &ei, std::function< int()> read_func, std::function< void(int)> write_func) (defined in SpectMorph::EnumProperty) | SpectMorph::EnumProperty | inline |
float_range() (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | inlinevirtual |
float_scale() (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | inlinevirtual |
get() (defined in SpectMorph::EnumProperty) | SpectMorph::EnumProperty | inlinevirtual |
get_bool() (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | inline |
get_edit_str() (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | inlinevirtual |
get_float() const (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | inlinevirtual |
identifier() (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | inline |
label() (defined in SpectMorph::EnumProperty) | SpectMorph::EnumProperty | inlinevirtual |
load(InFile &in_file) (defined in SpectMorph::EnumProperty) | SpectMorph::EnumProperty | inlinevirtual |
m_identifier (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | protected |
m_modulation_list (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | protected |
m_modulation_range_ui (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | protected |
m_op (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | protected |
max() (defined in SpectMorph::EnumProperty) | SpectMorph::EnumProperty | inlinevirtual |
min() (defined in SpectMorph::EnumProperty) | SpectMorph::EnumProperty | inlinevirtual |
modulation_list() (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | inline |
modulation_range_ui() const (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | inline |
op() (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | inline |
Property(MorphOperator *op, const std::string &identifier) (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | |
save(OutFile &out_file) (defined in SpectMorph::EnumProperty) | SpectMorph::EnumProperty | inlinevirtual |
Scale enum name (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | |
set(int v) (defined in SpectMorph::EnumProperty) | SpectMorph::EnumProperty | inlinevirtual |
set_bool(bool b) (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | inline |
set_edit_str(const std::string &s) (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | inlinevirtual |
set_float(float f) (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | inlinevirtual |
set_modulation_data(ModulationData *mod_data) (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | |
set_modulation_range_ui(double range_ui) (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | inline |
signal_modulation_changed (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | |
signal_value_changed (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | |
SignalReceiver() (defined in SpectMorph::SignalReceiver) | SpectMorph::SignalReceiver | inline |
type() (defined in SpectMorph::EnumProperty) | SpectMorph::EnumProperty | inlinevirtual |
Type enum name (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | |
value_label() (defined in SpectMorph::EnumProperty) | SpectMorph::EnumProperty | inlinevirtual |
~Property() (defined in SpectMorph::Property) | SpectMorph::Property | virtual |
~SignalReceiver() (defined in SpectMorph::SignalReceiver) | SpectMorph::SignalReceiver | inlinevirtual |